The concept of One Welfare, which extends the concept of One Health to cover interlinkages beyond health between animals, environment and humans, must be incorporated into COVID-19 recovery policies and financing to ensure a resilient, sustainable and humane future.
Animal protection and environmental NGOs from across the world–Africa, Asia, Oceania, the Americas and Europe–are coming together on World Animal Day, celebrated on 4th October, to call on global leaders to address the wellbeing of animals in COVID-19 recovery and financing efforts.
The fact that the COVID-19 crisis very likely arose from the exploitation of animals has drawn greater attention to how human uses of animals can increase the risk of future pandemics. In July, a report released by the UN Environment Program and the International Livestock Research Institute identified the increase in consumption of animal products, intensification of animal production systems, and wildlife exploitation as primary drivers of pandemic risk.

It is therefore imperative that to reduce the future risk of pandemics global leaders take concrete steps to incorporate One Health and One Welfare into policies. One Health is a concept which recognizes the linkages between human, animal and environmental health, while One Welfare extends this concept to other aspects of wellbeing, such as food security and livelihoods. Incorporating a One Welfare approach is key to eliminating policy silos, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and ensuring an equitable, sustainable and humane future.
Despite this, millions in development funding continue to be funneled into farming systems that increase the risk of future pandemics, even as calls to “build back better” grow.
Through a new “manifesto,” the NGOs below outline key policies and actions required to transform farming systems, shift food consumption habits, end the unnecessary exploitation of wildlife, increase vaccine development efficiencies, and ensure the wellbeing of animals in communities, such as companion animals and working equines. The manifesto also provides recommendations specifically to leading institutions on the international stage, such as the UN General Assembly and international financial institutions. The document will be shared with policymakers throughout the month of October, in recognition of World Animal Day on October 4th.
About the Signatories:
The following NGOs are supporting the call for animal welfare to be considered in recovery policies and financing:
- 50by40
- ACTAsia
- Alliance for Earth, Life, Liberty & Advocacy
- Ananta Jyoti Dhayn Kendra
- Andhra Pradesh Goshala Federation
- Animal Rights Center Japan
- Animals’ Angels
- Animals Asia Foundation
- Animals Australia
- Animal People
- ARCA Brasil
- Asia for Animals
- Big Cat Rescue
- Born Free Foundation
- Brighter Green
- CATCA Environmental and Wildlife Society
- Catholic Concern for Animals
- Change for Animals Foundation
- Coalition of African Animal Welfare Organizations
- Compassion in World Farming
- Cruelty Free International
- Dierencoalitie
- Elephanatics
- Eyes on Animals
- Eurogroup for Animals
- Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations
- Forgotten Animals
- FOUR PAWS International
- Fraternité pour le respect animal
- Friends of the Orangutans Malaysia
- Global Animal Law
- GREY2K USA Worldwide
- Help Animals India
- Himalayan Animal Rescue Trust
- In Defence of Animals, India
- International Aid for Animals Foundation
- InterNICHE (International Network for Humane Education)
- INUCOBO Animap Protection Association
- Japan Anti-Vivisection Association
- Lady Freethinker
- Landmark Foundation
- Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection
- Melbourn Dolphin
- NSPCA South Africa
- One World Actors Animal Rescues
- Reacción Climática
- Pan African Sanctuary Alliance
- People for Animals, Odisha
- PETA Asia 亚洲善待动物组织
- Plants and Animals Welfare Society (PAWS Asia)
- ProVeg International
- Pro Wildlife
- RAPAD Maroc
- Sanctuary for Health & Reconnection to Animals & Nature
- Sea First Foundation
- SEY Animal Welfare Finland
- Sinergia Animal
- S.P.A.R.E.
- Society for Travelers Respecting Animal Welfare
- Soi Dog Foundation
- Sophia Society for the protection of animals
- Stripes and Green Earth Foundation
- Unexpected Wildlife Refuge
- Wild Welfare
- Wildlife Alliance
- World Animal Net
- World Animal Protection
Featured image: chickens being unloaded from trucks before being slaughtered. Experts have warned that intensive animal agriculture is one of the primary drivers of pandemic risk. Image credit Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals.