Recent Legal Milestones for Animals
Legal advancements for animals can often come at a painfully slow pace. But recently, we couldn’t help but notice how many wins and promising animal law-related news items kept coming in.
Legal advancements for animals can often come at a painfully slow pace. But recently, we couldn’t help but notice how many wins and promising animal law-related news items kept coming in.
Continued from How long will the sage grouse dance? part one Erik Molvar commented,…
“The Sage Grouse and their habitat are severely threatened. This is the story of just one of these threats. As the Sage Grouse goes, so goes the west as we know it.”
Wildlife belongs in the wild. If you see protected wildlife for sale please report to SCORPION and also report to law enforcement agencies. Keeping protected animals at home will make life uneasy under the shadow of the threat of prison and paying of expensive fines.
On this day
I give Thanks
For this good, green Earth
That gives me Life.
And I give thanks
For the miraculous tapestry
That connects me to all things…
“Most leftists, I believe, don’t have a problem with such comparisons. It’s only when human suffering is compared to animal suffering that these analogies become truly objectionable…”
Perhaps Mars once did have “life”.
Perhaps there were once dragonflies and porcupines
Elephants and roses
And there had to be humans…
Whatever you think of Starbucks’ “red cup controversy,” there’s a much more serious reason to boycott the company: for its role in palm oil deforestation and the deaths of countless millions of wild animals in Indonesia.
Animal People executive director Wolf Clifton recently traveled Indonesia visiting animal projects, prior to the Asia for Animals 2015 conference in Kuching, Malaysia. Highlights in this entry include: humane education through punk rock and puppetry, the battle to end dog eating in Indonesia, and the best vegan food in Yogyakarta!
We must ensure that policy makers take action now to support and encourage food consumption and production systems that minimise climate change impacts, deliver food security and good nutrition, and preserve the well‐being of the planet, future generations and the animals.
Who’s The Animal? Check out this thought provoking film that was made for BBC RAW,…
For many years as a meat eater, I knew my diet did not correspond with…