Animal Welfare and Biodiversity: A Brief Primer on the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework
Animal welfare is closely intertwined with many of the issues under negotiation in the CBD’s new Biodiversity Framework.
Animal welfare is closely intertwined with many of the issues under negotiation in the CBD’s new Biodiversity Framework.
Concentrating solely on eliminating fossil fuel usage while ignoring animal agriculture will not be enough to halt global warming.
Humans are responsible for incredible suffering. But would animals be better off if we all disappeared?
In an interview with Dulce Ramirez, we discuss her path from rescuing one kitten to Executive Director of a major organization and the state of the animal protection movement in Mexico.
A new study demonstrates that legalized trade and commercial breeding of wild animals stimulates demand, encourages poachers and smugglers and ultimately pushes species towards extinction in the wild.
The Canadian government is planning to establish an industrial dairy goat farm at the Joyceville federal penitentiary in Kingston, Ontario.
The cruel practices revealed in the footage stand in stark contrast to Costco’s claim that “animal welfare is a critical component” of their chicken supply chain.
HB2676 would make it a misdemeanor to sell, offer for sale, display for sale, or otherwise distribute a new fur product in the state of Oregon.
Is lab-grown meat really the beginning of the end of animal exploitation? This antispeciesist activist says the technology is not ethical and should not be celebrated.
As demonstrated by the current global health crisis, wildlife consumption and use, including fur animal farming, poses a grave threat to human health, both in China and worldwide.
A Catholic animal advocate explains why she says “I am a Christian, therefore I am vegan.”
Mail delays in the United States have brought attention to the serious animal welfare issues inherent in the practice of shipping live animals in the mail.