Palm Oil and Animal Rights: How you can combat the destruction of wild animals’ habitat
While palm oil can be defined as vegan because it contains no animal substances, the industry that produces it is by no means cruelty free.
While palm oil can be defined as vegan because it contains no animal substances, the industry that produces it is by no means cruelty free.
Harrell Graham’s Dog Care Field Manual provides detailed recommendations for crisis care that almost anyone can give when the nearest veterinarian is many miles and hours away.
Gain insight into China’s dog and cat fur industry by reading our new report and leaflet, which advise consumers how they can help to take fur off the market.
Asia for Animals provides a unique opportunity to network, share experiences and learn from workshops and plenaries with leading experts. Don’t delay in registering your attendance!
Asia for Animals provides a unique opportunity to network, share experiences and learn from practical workshops and plenaries with leading experts.
Kind News Magazine encourages both empathy and critical thinking in children by celebrating the human-animal bond and helping to motivate children to take action to improve the lives of animals.
Much to the joy of India’s animal rights community, the government has released four new rules to regulate dog breeders, animal markets, case property animals, and aquariums and pet shops that sell fish.
New York City’s revamped citywide campaign aims to educate residents in all five boroughs about the red-tailed hawks, piping plovers, raccoons, coyotes and deer they coexist with.
Animal Voice has launched its new Animal Voice Academy for humane education, to promote the national respect for animal rights recently acknowledged by South Africa’s Constitutional Court.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund released its 11th annual report on animal protection rankings in January. Across the country, the ALDF has largely seen positive changes regarding animal protection.
To help budding animal rights activists, FIAPO has come up with a visual guide to ‘Leaflet Like a Pro’, so that you can reach out to people more effectively with the message of cruelty free living!
We know how challenging it can be to transition to an animal-free diet. So FIAPO came up with a simple solution to help you switch to a cruelty-free life: an easy-to-follow Vegan Starter Kit!