A Veterinarian’s Perspective on Rodeos
A veterinarian and former rodeo competitor shares about why she believes rodeos should be made illegal.
A veterinarian and former rodeo competitor shares about why she believes rodeos should be made illegal.
What would it mean for systems of animal exploitation if instead of looking away, we turned towards animals who were suffering? In an interview with the founder of The Save Movement, we discuss what bearing witness looks like, how it helps animals, and why she considers it an ethical duty.
It’s important to recognize the signs of dogfighting and know how to report it in order to protect dogs, prevent further animal abuse, and protect your neighborhood from crime and corruption.
Over 10,000 more greyhound puppies are born in Ireland each year than the number registered to race. Thousands each year will not be of so-called racing standards, so what happens to them?
In an interview with the Executive Producer of the new film Bucking Tradition, we discuss what rodeos mean for animals and the tension between cultural autonomy and animal protection.
View the powerful winning submissions of the 2019 Vegan Photo Essay Contest here.
A trainer and dog advocate shares her thoughts on what dogs really need from us, and how adopter education could transform the adoption process and keep more dogs in their homes for good.
In an interview with the founder of The Gentle Barn animal sanctuary, we discuss what she’s learned over the past 20 years, the role of sanctuaries in the animal protection movement and what surprises visitors most about meeting turkeys.
Greece’s Minister of Development and Industry recently made alarming statements endorsing fur production and incorrectly characterizing fur as more environmentally friendly than alternatives. Greek activists are speaking out in response.
In an interview with Sea Shepherd’s longest-serving crew member, Peter Brown, we discuss his misgivings about the organization’s post-Whale Wars trajectory, and the value of passion as a guiding principle.
In an interview with author and undercover animal investigator Pete Paxton, we explore why it’s so important for all dogs that people “Adopt, Don’t Shop.”
Many materials used in clothing and accessories mean cruelty, suffering, and death for animals. With these pointers, you can dress fabulously and not hurt animals.