Capturing a Man-eating Tiger Alive
In February, WTI assisted in capturing a tiger that had been declared a man-eater. Shoot orders had been issued against the tiger, so there was a limited opportunity to resolve the situation without killing it.
In February, WTI assisted in capturing a tiger that had been declared a man-eater. Shoot orders had been issued against the tiger, so there was a limited opportunity to resolve the situation without killing it.
To help budding animal rights activists, FIAPO has come up with a visual guide to ‘Leaflet Like a Pro’, so that you can reach out to people more effectively with the message of cruelty free living!
One of the constant challenges of working in animal welfare is fundraising. Getting animals themselves involved in the process can help to motivate people and let them see directly where their money is going.
If cats do have nine lives, leopards are on their last. Especially the big, strong males of the species, as South Africa’s DEA seems set on reintroducing leopard trophy hunting quotas.
Animals at St. Paul’s Hospital have been subjected to various experimental surgeries, forced to inhale cigarette smoke, and much, much more. The lucrative animal research industry must not be allowed to continue this dark history of vivisection.
How can anyone believe that shooting an elephant is anything other than environmental terrorism? When did money substitute itself for true conservation, namely the preservation of natural functioning ecosystems?
End Circus Suffering has highlighted cruelty to animals in Indian circuses and helped rehabilitate more than 170 animals so far. Following the latest developments, letters of protest from all over the world have found their way to the Indian government.
Asia for Animals supports FIAPO’s End Circus Suffering campaign, and calls on India’s government to pass a complete ban on using animals for entertainment in circuses.
Animal welfare organisations are reeling from an unexpected announcement that they will no longer receive funding from the National Lotteries Commission – a decision which could also have devastating impacts on humans.
We know how challenging it can be to transition to an animal-free diet. So FIAPO came up with a simple solution to help you switch to a cruelty-free life: an easy-to-follow Vegan Starter Kit!
Guatemala has passed a new animal protection law, hailed as one of the most comprehensive in the world. It establishes fines for animal abuse, as well as prohibits many specific forms of cruelty and exploitation.
Until now, Neanderthals were believed to have been carnivorous. That Neanderthals in Spain were vegetarian may challenge theories that eating meat was essential for early human brain development.