Keeping the Wolverine Wild in a Climate Crisis
Wolverines are among the fiercest creatures on the planet, yet even they are fighting to survive in a warming world.
Wolverines are among the fiercest creatures on the planet, yet even they are fighting to survive in a warming world.
A poll of over 1,000 pet owners asked who is using CBD oils on their animals, how they’re administering it, and the effects they’ve observed.
In an interview with one of the authors of Discarded Rabbits, we discuss why so many pet rabbits are surrendered and abandoned, and why shelters alone aren’t enough to solve this issue.
As rising temperatures and the number of heat waves have increased across the globe, it’s more important than ever to prioritize your pet’s safety.
Currently, hundreds of thousands of animals, including dogs, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, fish, and birds, are killed each year in the testing of products under EPA’s regulatory purview.
California is sending the world a clear statement: fur-bearing animals have the right to live in their own skin, free from being maimed and killed by horrific traps to steal their fur for trivial “fashion” statements.
An author spends time at a pig farm as research for a new book, and what he sees there changes him forever.
19th century extermination campaigns slaughtered millions of buffalo in an attempt to wipe out Native Americans and free up land for cattle ranching. Buffalo “management” today is a direct descendent of those actions.
Tillamook’s advertising campaigns are designed to tell consumers that the company’s products are sourced from humane, pasture-based, small-scale family farms, where animal care standards exceed those of other dairy companies. But this is far from reality.
Organizations are calling for an FBI investigation into the activities of the two Kentucky law enforcement officers, who have openly and brazenly posted online about their illegal cockfighting farm and operation.
United States zoos now plan to import baby elephants from Zimbabwe, undeterred by the international uproar over their 2016 import of 18 wild elephants from Swaziland.
The Association of Zoos and Aquariums has announced that it will phase out the use of bullhooks—cruel weapons used on captive elephants to force them to do the bidding of human masters.