Browsing: Special Resources


Nowadays thousands of mistreated, abandoned and helpless animals are left on the streets. Animal shelters and welfare organizations are doing their best to help them, but are often in need themselves. That is why “Animals Life Net” is installing webcams, to make the problem of shelters’ over-occupation more visual.


How should we as humans relate to our fellow sentient beings – those we coexist with now, and whom we may encounter in the future? Animal People’s online exhibit, ‘Beyond Human: Animals, Aliens, & Artificial Intelligence,’ explores what we know of non-human intelligence and the questions it raises.


If you care about animals and donate to organizations that protect and defend them, you’ll likely want your legacy to continue benefiting animal protection causes beyond your own lifetime. Animal People offers this guide as a resource for donors in planning their estates.


Your bird feeder could lead to the death of a bear whose only “crime” is being smart, industrious and very good at finding food, according to bear expert Linda Masterson. In her new book, ‘Living With Bears Handbook,’ Masterson explains that bear feeders, more commonly known as bird feeders, are one of the biggest cause of human-bear problems.


New guidance from the ICAM Coalition to help us assess if our dog population management work is really making a difference.

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