Was Jesus Killed for Opposing Animal Sacrifice?
On Good Friday, a religious scholar reflects on the role animal liberation played in the death of Jesus.
On Good Friday, a religious scholar reflects on the role animal liberation played in the death of Jesus.
What does the evidence say about whether Jesus was vegan during his life and what his feelings were about animals?
The Gadhimai Festival is again underway in Nepal. An interview with the High Priest of Gadhimai offers unsettling insights into the world’s largest animal sacrifice event.
Significant numbers of owls are being illegally trapped and sacrificed each year in India to supply rituals and ceremonies marking annual Diwali celebrations. While the exact number of owls traded domestically is unknown, estimates place the figure in the thousands.
Learn about the ritual animal sacrifice of Kaporos, which begins in only a few short days in New York City. There are hundreds of people ready to take a stand for the innocent victims, and you’re invited to join if you possibly can.
According to Judaism, animals are part of God’s creation and people have special responsibilities to them. The Jewish tradition clearly indicates that we are forbidden to be cruel to animals and that we are to treat them with compassion.
It is an utter shame that India dares call itself a ‘progressive’ nation after ignoring the infliction of such brutal acts on such a noble, simple and pious animal once worshipped in this country.
Undercover footage released by Animals International shows the abuse of farm animals exported from Europe to the Middle East. Such commonplace acts of cruelty demonstrate a chronic failure to enforce animal welfare standards during live export abroad.
In this episode, find out how dogfighting was finally criminalized throughout Mexico; why India’s ban on jallikattu bull wrestling was lifted; what wildlife farming in Nepal, Egypt, and South Africa means for animal welfare and conservation; and more!
We must actively fight for the light, putting forth the blood, sweat, and tears necessary to ensure that the vision of a compassionate future for all creatures is someday brought to fruition, and not swallowed up in the darkness of ignorance, apathy, greed, or sadism.
One has to be part of the raiding team to understand the cruelty inflicted to the dogs. Their muzzles shut tied by strings, their tongues swollen because they have bitten them when their snouts were forcefully tied, dead ones piled up on by the weak ones and the stench, it never leaves you; it is as horrible as the sight before you. AKF almost always bury half of the number of dogs recovered from these raids.
In this week’s episode, Animal People reviews the trial of pig activist Anita Krajnc, the lifting of Australia’s dog racing ban, good and bad news for endangered wildlife, and more!