Why is Animal Agriculture Seldom Mentioned by Catholics?
A Catholic animal advocate explains why she says “I am a Christian, therefore I am vegan.”
A Catholic animal advocate explains why she says “I am a Christian, therefore I am vegan.”
What would it mean to decolonize veganism as a way of eating, political commitment, and social movement? This interview with Mi’kmaw scholar Dr. Margaret Robinson is an effort to explore that question.
In an interview with an animal chaplain and pet loss counselor, we discussed his work, the power of the human-animal bond, and how he helps people move forward rather than move on.
A Catholic animal advocate grapples with what she calls “the Church’s indifference to the suffering of animals,” and calls for change.
On Good Friday, a religious scholar reflects on the role animal liberation played in the death of Jesus.
What does the evidence say about whether Jesus was vegan during his life and what his feelings were about animals?
A prominent Indian activist writes about the complexities of elephant captivity in India.
During the festival of Tihar in Nepal, people honor animals and their sacred and unique bond with humans.
The Gadhimai Festival is again underway in Nepal. An interview with the High Priest of Gadhimai offers unsettling insights into the world’s largest animal sacrifice event.
What do the Bible and the Catholic Church say about how we should treat animals? Catholic Action for Animals answers that question and explores a religious perspective on kindness towards animals.
19th century extermination campaigns slaughtered millions of buffalo in an attempt to wipe out Native Americans and free up land for cattle ranching. Buffalo “management” today is a direct descendent of those actions.
Millions of street dogs live in India, and many people there are fearful of them due to the risk of rabies. A combination of mass sterilization, rabies vaccination, and community education improves the situation for dogs and humans alike.