Scapegoating the Aliens: “Invasive” Species
Our society needs a new kind of conservation, one that dispenses with scapegoating and with trying to regulate species numbers through large-scale destruction.
Our society needs a new kind of conservation, one that dispenses with scapegoating and with trying to regulate species numbers through large-scale destruction.
A group of wild horses made famous on social media by local advocates have been trapped by the BLM, who plan to auction them off and split up their families.
The bill would legalize the hunting of dogs in rural areas and would undoubtedly mean death to many dogs, both feral and owned.
Last year M-44s killed 6,579 animals, mostly coyotes and foxes. The devices are dangerous to wildlife, pets, and humans and should be banned.
When is the word “euthanasia” used appropriately, to describe a mercy killing, and when is it used to hide the unpleasant fact that human action, inaction or incompetence led to the killing of an animal?
With Halloween around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about what to do to keep pets and wildlife safe.
In Malaysia, destruction of habitat drives elephants onto plantations and into villages, where they are perceived as pests and crop thieves and killed.
In Romania, increased human-bear conflict due to habitat loss has inspired a new bill, declaring unrestricted open season on killing bears.
In an interview with one of the authors of Discarded Rabbits, we discuss why so many pet rabbits are surrendered and abandoned, and why shelters alone aren’t enough to solve this issue.
“What we are trying to do in the Western Balkan region is not only a rescue program for single animals. In our view, it is far more important to change the mentality of citizens and the legislation on stray dogs’ management.”
In Washington state, wild wolves are exhibiting their natural behavior, preying on cattle, and are being killed for it. These actions harm wolves, waste tax dollars, and don’t even work to deter depredations.
A recent statement from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission urged homeowners to kill iguanas on their property “whenever possible.” This statement is part of a broader extermination program calling for the mass killing of iguanas in unthinkably cruel ways.