Author Dylan Forest

Dylan has been joyously aware of the multispecies nature of the world around him since childhood, and today considers this attention towards nonhuman others to be an integral component of his intellectual, political, and emotional life. Dylan had the pleasure of being a part of the Animal People team from 2015-2021. Click to see author's profile.


There are changes happening in the veganism and animal liberation movements. Mainstream veganism, which is largely food-focused and apolitical, just isn’t cutting it, and its inattention to other forms of oppression besides speciesism is a big problem.


It’s a dream scenario: livestock farmers give it all up, retire their cows to sanctuary and transition to crop farming. But what is that change like for farmers, and what’s next?


In an interview with activist and children’s book author Clare Druce, we discussed her recent book and her thoughts on how to reach young people with messages about protecting animals.