Stop transfer of Myanmar elephants to Japanese zoo, says Asia for Animals
Asia for Animals calls on the mayor of Sapporo City to stop the transfer of four elephants from the wilds of Myanmar to the Maruyama Zoo in Japan.
Asia for Animals calls on the mayor of Sapporo City to stop the transfer of four elephants from the wilds of Myanmar to the Maruyama Zoo in Japan.
You’ve heard of the Animal Planet show Pitfalls and Parolees, right? But did you know that a recent trend in jobs training inside some private prisons is inmates working with rescued dogs to learn dog-training skills they can use to gain employment once on the outside?
Halloween can be seriously scary for our pets. To keep your pets safe and healthy this Halloween, San Diego Humane Society recommends keeping the following tips in mind.
And the giant, silent Buddha
With eyes of leaden, emerald fire
Quietly said:
This wolf was captured and offered for sale outside of Byblos. As the snare tightened around him, he tore up his legs trying to pull free.
The wolf is still on two antibiotics, pain medication, and monitored daily to make sure the wounds heal properly.
One has to be part of the raiding team to understand the cruelty inflicted to the dogs. Their muzzles shut tied by strings, their tongues swollen because they have bitten them when their snouts were forcefully tied, dead ones piled up on by the weak ones and the stench, it never leaves you; it is as horrible as the sight before you. AKF almost always bury half of the number of dogs recovered from these raids.
Instead of posting a photo of a dog tied out in the rain to Facebook and waiting for animal lovers and animal welfare groups to take notice, try doing something else that directly helps the animal.
Male and female chimpanzees achieve social status in dramatically different ways. While males actively challenge their superiors to win higher rank, females accept their position in the social pecking order, waiting until more senior group members die before moving up the ladder.
Wild horses.
Flowing manes
Exuberant screaming
Thundering over the plains
In an ecstasy of freedom…
An international study published in BMC Public Health has found dog walkers are physically active on more days of the week and dog walking can help people feel safer in their neighborhood.
Open your eyes! The European Eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a critically endangered species. This video was shot at Bafa Lake in Turkey to wake people up from the darkness of ignorance.
In this week’s episode, Animal People reviews the trial of pig activist Anita Krajnc, the lifting of Australia’s dog racing ban, good and bad news for endangered wildlife, and more!