Browsing: Lifestyles


Morally, as Buddhists, we have three methods we can consider when we ask ourselves whether it is correct to eat animals. In our practice of ahimsa, we can seek to avoid causing harm to others, as well as actively try to change ourselves and others for the better.


As more of Southeast Asia’s natural forests are cleared and converted into plantations for growing oil palm, rubber and other tree crops, a Duke University-led study finds that 42 percent of species endemic to the region’s forests face a much higher risk of extinction from habitat loss than previously thought.


You may think that by taking organic weed you’re being kind to yourself and the environment. How could smoking organic pot be cruel? The answer is in the soil, or more specifically, in the soil amendments, which often contain blood, bones, and feathers from slaughtered animals.


For those who have not considered this topic, this book could serve as an enlightening lesson on the importance of animals in human history. For the more initiated reader, particularly those already concerned with animal liberation, the half-formed ethical and philosophical ideas Fagan puts forth leave much to be desired.


The whole meat issue is trivialized when it becomes about which animals are appropriate for eating and which are taboo. The legitimate way to focus campaigns against the dog and cat meat trades in Asia and elsewhere is to point out the additional cruelty involved in handling and killing those species.


Within ancient Jewish culture, your name wasn’t simply what you were called; rather it spoke of your very essence. Today, animals are named as product, experiment, sport, and ingredient. To encourage rethinking of how society regards non-human life, Sarx is now receiving entries to our Named in Love competition.

Companion Animals

“For wool or for meat! $150 for the two of them!”

Stop. Wait. What? I could feel my blood curdle slowly within me. My breathing became jagged as I typed frantically, as if without thinking at all about what my fingers were doing, “I’ll take them. Just tell me when I can come and get them, and I’ll take them both”

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