The Scott Pilgrim Parable for Vegan Activists
What can the “Vegan Police” from the film Scott Pilgrim vs. the World teach activists about effective vegan advocacy?
What can the “Vegan Police” from the film Scott Pilgrim vs. the World teach activists about effective vegan advocacy?
Each movement and each component sub-movement, if winning public support–progresses through eight cyclical phases that Moyer identified through long observation of the civil rights movement, anti-Vietnam War movement, anti-nuclear movement, and labor movement, among others in which he was personally involved.
Animal People executive director Wolf Clifton is currently visiting animal projects in Indonesia, prior to the Asia for Animals 2015 conference in Kuching, Malaysia. Highlights in this entry include: street dogs betrayed in Bali, birds of prey and giant monitor lizards, and an all-vegan Indonesian feast!
Animals Asia returns to Quang Ninh province, Vietnam to rescue seven more bears. Every rescue brings challenges with aggressive or nervous animals and often dangerous and unpredictable conditions.
Animal People executive director Wolf Clifton is currently visiting animal projects in Indonesia, prior to the Asia for Animals 2015 conference in Kuching, Malaysia. Highlights so far include: the aftermath of the Eid al-Adha, dogs and monkeys in Jakarta, and big wins for animals in Indonesian politics!
Are the American horses of the west, sometimes called mustangs, really a native wild species or are they instead, a once-domesticated, feral species?
A wild animal’s status as endangered or non-endangered is irrelevant from an animal rights perspective. Conservation approaches are not going to be successful in resolving the fundamental problems of how animals and humans can share the earth.
Blessed are the animals
For they shall lead us back
To our lost innocence…
“I don’t mean to say that women who eat meat are bad feminists, but I do encourage feminists to examine the parallels between our oppression and the way animals used for agriculture are treated. To me, veganism is the logical conclusion to be drawn from feminism.”
By Denise Fleck n her tell-all memoir, Rebel in High Heels, long-time animal activist, Charlotte…
Blind terror and bewilderment
As the guns crash and echo
Through once virgin forest…
This study will be the first to examine the lives of the founders of animal welfare/rights groups. More needs to be known about them for, as a group, they offer a strong voice for societal change and justice for animals.