Basic Income and Veganism
How would universal basic income benefit vegans and the fight for animal protection?
How would universal basic income benefit vegans and the fight for animal protection?
Instead of despairing that the loss of economic growth is the end of civilization, we should embrace these limits and get to work building a new society.
Pre-emptive action is needed now to halt the spread of the coronavirus and stop the next pandemic. Shut down slaughterhouses and factory farms!
On Good Friday, a religious scholar reflects on the role animal liberation played in the death of Jesus.
This pandemic is a pivotal event for almost everyone on the planet. There’s a lot that we still don’t know, but there can be no doubt that this pandemic is a consequence of our treatment of animals.
Lab-grown meat is coming, but is it vegan? In the end it comes down to how you define veganism.
What does the evidence say about whether Jesus was vegan during his life and what his feelings were about animals?
In Foer’s new book, he discusses both that livestock are one of the main drivers of climate change and that he struggles to maintain a vegan diet. How do we understand and address this gap between knowing something and acting on it?
There is no way to avoid the conclusion that dealing with climate change requires massive reforestation, and therefore considerable restrictions on — if not the elimination of — livestock agriculture.