South Africa Reclassifies 33 Wild Species as “Farm Animals”
By the stroke of a legislative pen, a list of iconic and in some cases endangered wild animals can now be manipulated as farming stock. What happens next is anyone’s guess.
By the stroke of a legislative pen, a list of iconic and in some cases endangered wild animals can now be manipulated as farming stock. What happens next is anyone’s guess.
An increasing proportion of dogs and cats used to supply the demand for dog meat in Vietnam are stolen pets. This is quickly becoming an issue as the growing pet-owning and loving population is becoming frustrated with continued pet theft.
What would it mean for systems of animal exploitation if instead of looking away, we turned towards animals who were suffering? In an interview with the founder of The Save Movement, we discuss what bearing witness looks like, how it helps animals, and why she considers it an ethical duty.
A letter claiming that trophy hunting is necessary for African conservation was recently published in a prestigious scientific journal, but upon closer inspection, the piece is little more than a marketing effort disguised as a serious scientific contribution.
Throughout history and across the world, dogs have been pets, companions, hunters, workers, protection, pests, experiments, sacred, memorialized, feared, hated, loved, and everything in between.
Sheep riding, or “mutton busting,” is a rodeo event where children jump on terrified sheep, riding them around as the sheep struggle desperately to free themselves.
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil exists to reassure consumers that the products they buy don’t contribute to rainforest destruction and human rights abuses, but a new report reveals that these are empty promises.
It’s important to recognize the signs of dogfighting and know how to report it in order to protect dogs, prevent further animal abuse, and protect your neighborhood from crime and corruption.
At the briefing, multiple organizations urged Congress to task the FDA with moving away from dog studies and other animal testing in the development of new medicines.
Over 10,000 more greyhound puppies are born in Ireland each year than the number registered to race. Thousands each year will not be of so-called racing standards, so what happens to them?
The ruling found that the National Marine Fisheries Service violated the Endangered Species Act when it opened thousands of square miles of right whale habitat to fishing with gear known to entangle, injure, and kill right whales.
In an interview with the Executive Producer of the new film Bucking Tradition, we discuss what rodeos mean for animals and the tension between cultural autonomy and animal protection.