For the Profanity Peak Wolf Pack: “The Lament”
They have run all day
With the caribou.
Now, silvered shadows
On the moonlit tundra
They gather…
They have run all day
With the caribou.
Now, silvered shadows
On the moonlit tundra
They gather…
Wildlife officials are currently killing off a grey wolf pack in Washington state for preying on livestock. Underlying the Profanity Peak wolf massacre is the toxic ideology of human tyranny over nature, which must be exposed and overcome to avoid catastrophe for humans and non-human animals alike.
I recently visited Turkey, after hearing many great things of what the Turkish have done with their large stray population. I hope that these observations and photos may provide a useful idea of the current situation for stray animals in Turkey.
Asia for Animals calls on the government of Bali, Indonesia to prevent construction of dolphin cages offshore, which would confine wild-caught dolphins as a tourist attraction.
Pit bull bans are cruel to both the dogs and the people who have taken them into their homes and love them. A humane alternative to banning any breed of dog (for whatever purpose) is a breed-ING ban, whereby the worst thing dogs and their families would face would be spaying or neutering.
They assigned a number to him, this petite, furry little guinea pig. But we won’t call him by his number, because we would prefer to be beasts, wouldn’t we? To be beasts and distinguish ourselves from that puny little man and his band of heartless colleagues. We will call this little animal “Adversity”, because adversity was all he ever knew.
Nowadays thousands of mistreated, abandoned and helpless animals are left on the streets. Animal shelters and welfare organizations are doing their best to help them, but are often in need themselves. That is why “Animals Life Net” is installing webcams, to make the problem of shelters’ over-occupation more visual.
The World Day of Homeless Animals is considered not a holiday, but an occasion to address the problem of homeless animals, to tell a maximum quantity of people about their tragic destiny. The problem to which it draws attention is felt sharply here in Russia.
All Hail to RA
Giver of Life
Who brings forth
The fruit and the flowers
And makes earth green…
Morally, as Buddhists, we have three methods we can consider when we ask ourselves whether it is correct to eat animals. In our practice of ahimsa, we can seek to avoid causing harm to others, as well as actively try to change ourselves and others for the better.
As more of Southeast Asia’s natural forests are cleared and converted into plantations for growing oil palm, rubber and other tree crops, a Duke University-led study finds that 42 percent of species endemic to the region’s forests face a much higher risk of extinction from habitat loss than previously thought.
Asia for Animals calls on the Malaysian government to intervene on behalf of Lasah, a wild-caught elephant forced to provide rides for tourists, rehoming him to the Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary.