Could Your Driveway Be a Danger to Your Pet?
Pet owners strive to keep their homes pet friendly, but far too often the hazards that come with having a driveway are forgotten.
Pet owners strive to keep their homes pet friendly, but far too often the hazards that come with having a driveway are forgotten.
Read Asia For Animals’ letter to Chinese politician Du Jiahao, responding to a recent incident of violence against a chained dog by a police officer and calling for change.
“On January 23rd 2018, the South African Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) set out its non-detriment findings (NDF) for the African lion. This is of extreme importance to the hunting industry, since without an NDF, no lion hunts would be allowed and no lion trophies could be exported.”
Charisha Florence Fraser reflects on her experiences during an internship with Indonesia’s Centre for Orangutan Protection (COP).
Find out why Brazil’s ban on exporting live animals lasted only three days, how Baja California is taking aim at bloodsports, what’s behind an anti-pit bull “Super Bowl” commercial, and more in the latest episode of Animal People World News!
Greyhounds are continuing to suffer and die in Ireland’s cruel greyhound racing industry, shocking new statistics reveal. Greyhound racing should be ended, and the government must stop propping up the industry with taxpayers’ money.
It can be difficult to visualize the effects of one’s diet on animals and the environment. A new online tool seeks to change that, by allowing meat eaters, vegetarians, and flexitarians alike to calculate how many animals they have consumed or saved.
The use of elephants in tourism is fueling cruelty, and the demand for elephants to feed the tourism industry has resulted in the organised illegal trade of wild elephants in parts of Asia.
Grasses are an important part of animals’ habitats in India. By cultivating native grasses, men and women of India give grazing animals safe food to eat, creating a positive impact which ripples throughout the food chain and environment.
Many domestic violence victims are unable to escape their abusers because they fear what will happen to their pets when they leave. RedRover© will distribute more than $49,000 in funding to five domestic violence shelters to create on-site space to house pets.
The Aadhaar project opens a dangerous gateway to tyranny. Nonetheless, today it serves as a gatekeeper to Jallikattu, itself a tyrannical practice committed against animals in the name of tradition.
On January 3rd, an elephant was electrocuted by a live wire on a construction site in Gerik, Malaysia. It is irresponsible to leave work projects unattended that pose hazards to humans and animals.