Browsing: Germany


Farming wildlife actually increases the hunting pressure to supply wild animals to the farms, while making law enforcement for wild taken specimens more challenging. Taking wild pangolins into captivity is too risky given they are already in steep decline.


The fur industry has been condemned for the animal cruelty, environmental destruction and the dangers to human health it entails. As a result, Europe is gradually adopting a more fur free stance. Will China follow?


This year, our Fur Free Life campaign has taken a new focus. While animal suffering and the lack of animal protection legislation remain at the heart of our campaign for a Fur Free Life, our educational publicity recently concentrated on the serious health risks for wearers of fur.

Animals in Research

Consider what happened in one Oklahoma City classroom as a result of cat dissection in the classroom: “The disturbing footage posted to Facebook shows nine young students from the flagship charter school – which is rated among the best schools in the USA – making the cat corpses ‘dance’ to music in a school laboratory while being ‘conducted’ by another student.”


ACTAsia sent out the following Press Release in China with billboard advertising to encourage a Fur Free Life: “Poisons could be slowly killing you and your children. Not through your food or through the air but now through clothing – fur clothing.”


(Crosspost with Cyrano’s Journal Today) his year marks the 20th anniversary of wolf reintroduction in…

Animals in Research

Instead of contributing to the development of sustainable, healthy farming systems, veterinarians have become servants of the industrial farming machine. Vets no longer see animals as their clients, they see the person who signs their salary check. We need vets to rediscover their original mission – animal welfare. Vets have the power to change the system for good. It’s hard to understand why medical professionals who specialize in treating animals actively contribute to their pain and terror.