Browsing: Working animals


It is the culture of this land and root of this soil that grants protection to cows and prohibits their slaughter. Irrespective of one’s religion, it is the responsibility of all inhabitants of India to protect and respect the cow and its progeny.


You’ve heard of the Animal Planet show Pitfalls and Parolees, right? But did you know that a recent trend in jobs training inside some private prisons is inmates working with rescued dogs to learn dog-training skills they can use to gain employment once on the outside?

Animal sacrifice

In this booklet, sponsored by Animal People and endorsed by Al-Azhar University, Dr. Kristen Stilt shows the amazing range of animal welfare and protection required by Islamic law, and asks Muslims to follow the rules of animal welfare that the religion requires.

Animals in Research

Have you ever seen the rays of the sun seep through the cracks of the trees and their leaves in a forest? That was who she was, a ray of hope through the challenges placed before me. Who was she? A horse used in the name of ‘science’, but rejected once she became ‘useless’. Broken, hurt and lost.


For those who have not considered this topic, this book could serve as an enlightening lesson on the importance of animals in human history. For the more initiated reader, particularly those already concerned with animal liberation, the half-formed ethical and philosophical ideas Fagan puts forth leave much to be desired.

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