Browsing: Tactics


NSPCA inspectors were recently horrified to discover that horses in the care of South Africa’s army were starving to death. We will be laying criminal charges against the persons responsible for their suffering.


In China’s city of Dalian, a quarter million people staged a massive protest in response to a number of high-profile cruelty cases. As the climax of the event, a huge banner was displayed. It read: “Build a Beautiful China, Punish Animal Abusers.”


Pleistocene Park is a rewilding project in Siberia, whose main goal is to restore high productive steppes similar to those of the Ice Age. This will not only lead to the recreation of the so-called “Northern Serengeti,” but more importantly will help to mitigate climate change.


People and the public need to be educated of the dangers and outcomes of keeping primates as pets. Where did they come from? How did they end up in the pet shop? Once they are a grown adult, will you still be able and willing to take care of them?


An animal rights poem by Ashby McGowan, written in protest of Canada’s annual seal hunt. To be performed at rallies and campaign events.


The town council of Penang, Malaysia is killing dogs cruelly and indiscriminately, targeting both stray dogs and licensed pets, even though the region has been free of rabies for more than two years.


Don’t buy anything that has animal-based fabrics. Even a small leather pull tab or silk lining still fuels demand for cruelty. Use this guide to make sure that the clothes you find and like are also animal-free.

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