Service and Support Dogs: Welfarism versus Rights
Do we have a right to keep dogs and other animals in service for physical and emotional support? The issue comes down to the longstanding welfare versus rights debate within animal protection.
Do we have a right to keep dogs and other animals in service for physical and emotional support? The issue comes down to the longstanding welfare versus rights debate within animal protection.
Someday in the future, a population of rabbits on a distant archipelago might be something people would marvel at. The focus of conservation should be on promoting environmental stability rather than attempting to reintroduce or eliminate particular species.
It is not hard to identify similarities between women’s rights issues and animal rights issues. FIAPO believes that the end of sexist objectification, and recognition of equality of women, logically extends to animals too.
What are we to make of the seeming discrepancy between public knowledge of animal suffering and inaction to prevent it? And more importantly, what can we do to resolve it?
The cultural significance of meat, coupled with our supposed ‘love’ of animals, demonstrate a fragile paradox advertisers have responded to in order to continue selling animal products.
Whatever work one does for animals, we are all united by the common hope that someday animals will be recognised as more than just property. FIAPO is preparing a new campaign to pursue legal rights for animals in India.
I didn’t quite understand the depth of the grief that so often accompanies the loss of a dog. It could hardly compare, so I thought, to the grief that accompanies the loss of a parent, a loved one or a human friend. Yet I eventually came to realize that this isn’t necessarily true.
Veteran animal rights and legal expert Larry Weiss discusses some of the most pressing issues in animal rights today, and outlines his vision for a humane tomorrow, at VegFest Colorado 2017.
Going vegan isn’t something that will happen en masse or suddenly. But at least thinking about it? Acknowledging the problem? Trying to see where our own inconsistencies lie? These things are for everyone. These things are essential to set up the scaffolding for an era when we can start to repair the damage we’ve done.
What will South Africa’s national parks and game reserves look like ten or 50 years hence? What is their purpose, and where will the money come from to protect and sustain them?
I believe the information provided by audio-psychic communication can help not only individual animals, but also to gain insights into the mysteries of animal consciousness.
In his new book, The Grace of Dogs, author Andrew Root journeys to find out how dogs and humans came to mean what we do to each other, and how we are transformed by our connection.