The Effectiveness of Vegan Outreach
Only 1.4% of vegans surveyed said it was “public activism” that first made them think about making the switch. Documentaries and conversations with family were the big hitters.
Only 1.4% of vegans surveyed said it was “public activism” that first made them think about making the switch. Documentaries and conversations with family were the big hitters.
What’s missing when “animal lovers” go to zoos, swim with captive dolphins, or support other animal-exploiting attractions and industries? Empathy, respect, and awareness.
Milk comes from a grieving mother, and is the product of the exploitation of the reproductive capacity of a female body.
China’s recent ban on wildlife consumption will hopefully stop the flow of lion bones from South Africa, which may be contaminated with tuberculosis and tranquilizers.
Is activism old news? In the light of incredibly exciting developments in the private sector, the role of advocacy may need to be re-evaluated.
Countless vegans have pets or take care of rescued dogs and cats. Whether or not pets can be vegan too is still a matter of debate.
Many videos and photos of wild animals interacting with humans become viral on the Internet. Although they may seem cute or funny, they can harm animals in a number of ways.
Botswana’s government has again demonstrated to the world that it either does not understand or does not care that elephants play a critical role in maintaining healthy ecological systems.
Goldfish are among the most popular pets. But is it true that a fish who simply eats and swims in a bowl is a well-kept fish?
The current situation – awful as it is – has shone a spotlight on all wildlife trade in China, presenting the government with an opportunity to finally tackle demand for wildlife threatened by trade, including by closing legal markets.
The evidence suggests that ethical, economic and ecological problems with trophy hunting warrant a trophy import ban.
South Africa is facilitating illegal trade in lion bones, enabling the activities of notorious international crime syndicates, and threatening the survival of tigers and lions in the wild.