Browsing: Law


The passing of a new hunting law in Croatia has banned the previously-legal killing or ”removal” of dogs and cats on hunting lands. However, the law also puts humans and pets in danger, and was developed without the input of any animal protection or environmental organizations.

Animals in Entertainment

In October, a historic bill banning the use of exotic animals in circuses was passed by both the New Jersey State Assembly and the New Jersey State Senate. That only leaves one final hurdle to turn the bill into law: the governor’s signature. Please sign this petition asking New Jersey governor Phil Murphy to sign the circus ban into law.

Animals in Entertainment

Bulls of fire is an extremely cruel Spanish bloodsport. In it, torches are tied to bulls’ horns and then set on fire, all for the entertainment of the crowd. This atrocious physical and mental torture, considered a tradition, is still practiced in two Spanish regions, namely Catalonia and Valencia.

Animal sacrifice

Significant numbers of owls are being illegally trapped and sacrificed each year in India to supply rituals and ceremonies marking annual Diwali celebrations. While the exact number of owls traded domestically is unknown, estimates place the figure in the thousands.


When beloved and healthy dog Chloe died due to medical negligence, it became obvious that the law saw her as replaceable property, not family. The #notproperty campaign calls for animals’ legal status to match their actual status — not as property, but as thinking, feeling beings who have intrinsic value, not just economic value, and who need and deserve that recognition in the law.


For four years now, the USFWS has been dismantling one of the most successful predator reintroductions in U.S. history, that of the world’s only wild population of red wolves, in North Carolina. This decision by the court to protect red wolves from being shot and killed offers a glimmer of hope for species recovery.

Animals in Entertainment

Every year, wild bears are illegally caught by poachers in Armenia. Once captured, many of them end up kept as tourist attractions in small, squalid cages in restaurants and other public entertainment venues. Read about how International Animal Rescue’s Great Bear Rescue campaign frees the bears from their suffering.

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