Downsizing Our National Monuments?
Please send a comment to the U.S. Department of the Interior, asking that the 27 National Monuments, and the oceanic monuments which are also now under review, not be diminished or downsized in any way.
Please send a comment to the U.S. Department of the Interior, asking that the 27 National Monuments, and the oceanic monuments which are also now under review, not be diminished or downsized in any way.
Around 40 percent of U.S. coal is produced on public lands. These are the same lands which are the homes of wildlife, magnificent trees, and beautiful wilderness. The DOI and the BLM are accepting comments on the future use of public lands to produce coal.
Around 40 percent of U.S. coal is produced on public lands. These are the same lands which are the homes of wildlife, magnificent trees, and beautiful wilderness. The DOI and the BLM are accepting comments on the future use of public lands to produce coal.
…it is impossible to hold jallikattu events without inflicting pain and cruelty on the bulls. There is no such thing as “humane” jallikattu…
“…it can be predicted that this land would almost certainly never be restored to the peaceful and beautiful countryside that the Sage Grouse and the other birds and animals now know as their home.”
Continued from How long will the sage grouse dance? part one Erik Molvar commented,…
“The Sage Grouse and their habitat are severely threatened. This is the story of just one of these threats. As the Sage Grouse goes, so goes the west as we know it.”
…populations of wild horses are much needed to restore the health of ecosystems. Because they are semi-nomatic, they do not wear down the vegetation and the soil in the same way that cows do.
Are the American horses of the west, sometimes called mustangs, really a native wild species or are they instead, a once-domesticated, feral species?
Large numbers of volunteers from Indian animal welfare groups arrived to assist the Border Patrol in spotting people trying to take animals to Nepal.
…the temple authorities of Gadhimai Temple made the announcement that the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of animals, held every five years, would be permanently canceled. The world’s largest animal sacrifice had finally come to an end.