Register Now for Asia for Animals 2017 – Promo Rate Ends July 31!
Asia for Animals provides a unique opportunity to network, share experiences and learn from workshops and plenaries with leading experts. Don’t delay in registering your attendance!
Asia for Animals provides a unique opportunity to network, share experiences and learn from workshops and plenaries with leading experts. Don’t delay in registering your attendance!
Asia for Animals provides a unique opportunity to network, share experiences and learn from practical workshops and plenaries with leading experts.
A group of men are filmed tipping a donkey from a flat-bed truck directly into the water-filled moat surrounding the tiger enclosure at Yangcheng Wild Animal World.
Asia for Animals opposes the commercial exploitation of Asiatic black bear cubs within the animal circus at the Dam Sen Tourist Park in Ho Chi Minh City.
Asia for Animals calls on the government of Sri Lanka to intervene on behalf of elephants at the Dehiwala zoo, who are forced to perform in shows, housed in unclean conditions, and display chain scars and behaviors associated with stress and boredom.
Animals at Huzhou Lotus Village Park are suffering under unacceptable living conditions. Asia for Animals calls for the animals to be removed from the zoo and placed in a facility that can properly care for them.
Asia for Animals supports FIAPO’s End Circus Suffering campaign, and calls on India’s government to pass a complete ban on using animals for entertainment in circuses.
Asia for Animals calls on the government of Indonesia to join the international movement against the use and abuse of animals in performances and as photo props, and to take strong and immediate action to put an end to such exploitation.
Asia for Animals calls on the government of Indonesia to join the international movement against the use and abuse of animals in performances, and to pass and enforce laws ending animal shows in captive wildlife facilities.
The 10th Asia for Animals conference will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 27th to 29th November 2017. Abstract submissions are invited across all animal issues on any species, provided they address the theme of Changing Human Behaviour.
Asia for Animals calls on Sriwijaya Air to stop transporting dolphins on behalf of dolphin circus operators, and show opposition to the continued exploitation of dolphins within the Indonesian entertainment industry.
Asia for Animals calls on the government of Indonesia to investigate Ragunan Zoo and address problems identified as causing animals to suffer.