World Day for Animals in Laboratories: Tell St. Paul’s Hospital to Stop Cruel Experiments!


Today, April 24th is World Day for Animals in Laboratories. Help end the suffering by telling St. Paul’s Hospital and the Canadian government to stop experiments on animals!

St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia is planning to relocate to a new site, scheduled for completion in 2022. Few people knew about the hospital’s experiments on animals, which started in the late 1950s and continue today. Lifeforce’s campaign is aimed at stopping any new animal labs from being built.

“Animal models” do not have the same naturally occurring health problems as humans. There are major biological and anatomical differences between and within species, sexes, age groups, races, and so on. As a result, drugs proven “safe” in animals have caused injuries and death in humans. In addition, drugs that fail in animal tests may still be tested in humans, with either harmful or helpful results. Non-animal studies, including with human volunteers, are the only way to find cures for human maladies.

As you will see in our new video documenting the history of animal experiments at St. Paul’s Hospital, animal victims over the years have included monkeys, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, pigs, rats, and mice. Animals have been subjected to various experimental surgeries, forced to inhale cigarette smoke, and much, much more. Animals of any species can be subjected to extreme pain under the rules of the Canadian peer review research system.

Providence Health Care ( and the City of Vancouver ( are asking for public input during the planning process for the new hospital. Lifeforce is educating the public and urging them to tell their government that the proposed research tower should use only modern, innovative technology. No more animal experiments! The lucrative animal research industry must not be allowed to continue St. Paul’s dark history of vivisection.

Please also see our petition, “Stop the Pain! Stop Vivisection Canada!” In addition to a complete phase out of animal research over the next 10 years, this petition seeks to first stop some of the most painful experiments on animals.

Sign and pass it on to your friends, family, physicians, politicians, and others. You can help protect people and animals from inhumane, scientifically fallacious animal experiments that are a waste of health care funds!

Featured image: miniature pig used in a U.S. National Cancer Institute experiment on immune system development in 1980. Credit Linda Bartlett, public domain.

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About Author

Lifeforce is a non-profit Vancouver based ecology organization that was formed in 1981 to raise public awareness of the interrelationship between people, animals, and the environment. We promote animal rights and ecological responsibility. In order to develop a non-violent society we must extend our circle of compassion to include all sentient creatures with whom we share this planet. Click to see author's profile.

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