POETRY: Pavane For a Dead Young Moose
I think of the world of the moose
Quite separate from ours
And rapidly diminishing
I think that they live – and die –
Without damaging earth
I think of the world of the moose
Quite separate from ours
And rapidly diminishing
I think that they live – and die –
Without damaging earth
If you’re a dog lover, at least once in life you might want or need to travel with your buddy, and if you think this could be problematic, it doesn’t have to be! Take these recommendations if you’re planning to take a trip with your best friend.
Asia for Animals calls on the Mayor of Sapporo City to revoke permission to Maruyama Zoo to import four Asian elephants from their native Myanmar to Japan. There are grave concerns regarding the impact an international relocation could have on the elephants’ welfare.
There is more beauty
Than your heart can ever hold
In a swan’s neck, a raccoon’s hand
In the song of a thrush
In sunlight through leaves in thick, green forests
In a world in turmoil caused by war, economic pressures and environmental problems, it is easy to forget that we are not the only species living and surviving on this planet. Karuna Society for Animals & Nature is a safe haven for animals in distress, providing first aid and shelter for street dogs, cats and other animals.
Confucius taught that a noble person should not abandon morality for the space of a single meal. From his time 2500 years ago until the present day, one question has loomed especially large over the Chinese dinner table: is it morally acceptable to kill animals for food?
Humans aren’t alone in their ability to mix perfumes and colognes. Lemurs, too, get more out of their smelly secretions by combining fragrances to create richer, longer-lasting scents, finds a study led by Duke University.
Laudato Si week will soon be here (June 12-19). One way to show concern for God’s creatures and support for the Pope’s call to action regarding ‘our common home’, is to sign my petition asking the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales to establish a Committee to address the moral aspect of our treatment of animals.
Once upon a time, there was a Little Planet. She was the fairest in all the Universe and she was the Mother of Life. And all Life worshiped at her Altar for she nurtured every living thing and everywhere was a lush abundance of Beauty and Harmony…
Allowing underwater seismic surveys for oil and gas to be conducted off the U.S. Mid-Atlantic and Southeast coasts could pose a substantial threat to one of the world’s most critically endangered whale species, a group of leading marine scientists say.
Chinese culture does not sanction the cruelty of the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. The rise of the dog meat industry was a result of the 20th century reform politics initially aimed at lifting peasants out of poverty. It is time that China parts with the policy that judges the merits of an economic activity solely by its productivity.
Habitat mapping software and satellite imagery can help conservationists predict the movements of endangered species in remote or inaccessible regions and pinpoint areas where conservation efforts should be prioritized, a new Duke University-led case study shows.