POETRY: Benedictus
Unveil that face
That gave us Dominion
To kill and conquer and burn
Whose hymns of praise
Are sung from books
That are bound in blood and skin.
Unveil that face
That gave us Dominion
To kill and conquer and burn
Whose hymns of praise
Are sung from books
That are bound in blood and skin.
Scorpion Foundation and Riau Province police busted an illegal trade of eight rare animals in Pekanbaru, Riau Province on Saturday, 27th of February 2016. Three traders were arrested, and eight animals, which are protected by Indonesian law, were confiscated, including six slow lorises, one siamang, and one gibbon.
Once, long ago, the peoples of the Earth worshiped the animals. They perceived them to be magical creatures, supernatural beings, full of light, and Mystery. Their beauty was a source of inspiration and the people sought to emulate animals…
The Model Animal Welfare Act will prove to be a useful guide and information source for countries seeking to introduce or improve their animal welfare legislation.
It is my opinion that animal activists who stand against factory farming are among the most courageous people in America. They must brave the light of their own convictions, and stand against ridicule, hatred, and violence toward both the animals and themselves for pointing out the obvious—that animals are living beings and deserving of respect.
River of ice
River of sky,
River awakening
Swollen with meltwater
Blind stirrings in your weed-green belly.
Chai’s life was tragic and characterized by deprivation. As those who knew her in Seattle and beyond mourn her loss, we also hope that her story inspires others to continue the fight to phase out elephant programs in zoos, so that not one more elephant suffers or dies simply to entertain humans.
Focusing on how vegans can improve the conditions of animals by simply appearing more approachable to non-vegans is not the best use of our time when it comes to solving such a controversial issue with so many devastating consequences.
There were rivers of birds
Flowing, swirling,
Connecting light and beauty
Between Earth and Sky.
Questions about the way the fur trade affects Native peoples potentially place the animal rights movement in the awkward position of trying to help one oppressed class at the expense of another. In December 1988, The Animals’ Agenda hosted a roundtable discussion where both sides could meet face-to-face to explore their differences.
Asia for Animals condemns the poor living conditions for animals currently housed at the recently-opened “Zhengjia Polar Ocean World” facility in Guangzhou, China, and urges the owners to take immediate steps to improve the welfare of the animals and reconsider the exhibition of marine and arctic wildlife in this and future shopping malls.
In H.G. Wells and Animals, A Troubling Legacy, I struggled to reconcile the seemingly pro-animal themes of Wells’ famous stories with his own defense of vivisection later in life. In Wells’ 1928 essay Popular Feeling and the Advancement of Science. Anti-Vivisection, transcribed here, he details his own personal views on vivisection.