Winners Declared in World’s First Vegan Photo Essay Contest
View the powerful winning submissions of the 2019 Vegan Photo Essay Contest here.
View the powerful winning submissions of the 2019 Vegan Photo Essay Contest here.
‘Defending Palestine: Liberating the People, the Land, and Animals’ will not be a traditional conference. It will focus on the shared struggle for land and liberation for all species in occupied Palestine, May 3 through May 6, 2018.
What are we to make of the seeming discrepancy between public knowledge of animal suffering and inaction to prevent it? And more importantly, what can we do to resolve it?
While palm oil can be defined as vegan because it contains no animal substances, the industry that produces it is by no means cruelty free.
For PAL, animal liberation cannot be divorced from anti-colonialism, Palestinian liberation and solidarity, and defense of the land and all the life that it supports.
Is the vegan situation in Israel indeed remarkable? Answering questions like these is never easy, but in the case of Israel, personal and political agendas and biases make the task even more complex.
Should people who believe in animal rights think that abortion is wrong? Should pro-lifers accept animal rights? The answer depends on the reasons why someone accepts animal rights, and why someone thinks abortion is wrong.
Islam does allow the consumption of meat and animal products, but it accompanies this with a list of strict conditions on how to treat the animals ethically and prevent their suffering as much as possible. It also does not prohibit veganism or consider it a sin. Thus, everyone has the complete freedom to choose a vegan diet and abstain from eating meat.
On September 12th, Muslims around the world will celebrate the Eid al Adha by ritually slaughtering animals. But is animal sacrifice actually required by Islam? A number of Muslim scholars argue that ritual slaughter as practiced today is unnecessary and possibly even haram (forbidden).
A Maryland man was arrested on animal cruelty charges last week after he left his maggot-infested dog outside to die, reported The Washington Post. Events like this cry for an explanation, but no easy explanations are possible nor forthcoming. We are forced to dig deeper to reveal the diverse forces that made this poor animal’s fate a foregone conclusion.
Conservation activist Ofir Drori explains how political corruption fuels the illegal poaching of wildlife in Africa, and how the EAGLE Network is fighting to stop the epidemic of killing at its source.
For more than a decade and with many others, I have been trying to think through the multiple entanglements between human and non-human joys and suffering. Our thinking about human issues necessarily involves thinking about animal issues. Similarly, considering animals expands our understanding of the world around us including some of the most pressing issues at hand, such as climate change, food justice, racial violence, and colonial legacies of dispossession and environmental degradation.