Animals Neglected and Suffering at Belvedere Zoo in Tunis
The animals are imprisoned in very small cages, neglected, dehydrated, and malnourished in a facility where maintenance, hygiene and good care are not provided.
The animals are imprisoned in very small cages, neglected, dehydrated, and malnourished in a facility where maintenance, hygiene and good care are not provided.
Two women thought they were helping by hand-rearing cubs, until they learned some sinister truths. Now they run a sanctuary for big cats born victim to an exploitative industry.
Elephant researcher Joyce Poole uses her experience witnessing wild elephants after two births to demonstrate how she came to understand elephants’ capacity to feel grief and joy.
Bushmeat consumption has devastated the populations of hundreds of wildlife species and been linked to the spread of zoological diseases such as the Ebola virus.
See select images from the new book HIDDEN, which compiles the work of forty photojournalists who document animal lives.
Will the South African government and its high-level panel finally accept the overwhelming evidence that captive lion breeding should be stopped?
The number of people that are aware of this issue is astonishingly low. People see them and simply see a cute bunny, they do not see a discarded pet.
These enigmatic big cats are typically viewed as a threat, both to humans and farmed animals. But are they actually? And can we learn to live together in harmony with them?
Experts have called for a moratorium on whale watching in the Pacific Northwest to protect the highly-endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales, but the whale watching industry persists. Why, and why is this such an important issue?
The UK’s new guidelines regarding gatherings and activities in the time of COVID-19 set restrictions for public gatherings, but contain exceptions for hunting and shooting.
The fact that the COVID-19 crisis very likely arose from the exploitation of animals has drawn greater attention to how human uses of animals can increase the risk of future pandemics.
In some regions of Thailand, pig-tailed macaques are abusively trained, often with severe punishments, to harvest coconuts for the export industry.