Live Animal Postal Shipping: “Some Are Expected to Die”
Mail delays in the United States have brought attention to the serious animal welfare issues inherent in the practice of shipping live animals in the mail.
Mail delays in the United States have brought attention to the serious animal welfare issues inherent in the practice of shipping live animals in the mail.
Will the South African government and its high-level panel finally accept the overwhelming evidence that captive lion breeding should be stopped?
The UK’s new guidelines regarding gatherings and activities in the time of COVID-19 set restrictions for public gatherings, but contain exceptions for hunting and shooting.
What would it mean to decolonize veganism as a way of eating, political commitment, and social movement? This interview with Mi’kmaw scholar Dr. Margaret Robinson is an effort to explore that question.
The director of legal affairs and advocacy for Africa Network for Animal Welfare discusses the most pressing issues affecting animals across Africa and the receptiveness of African political leaders to animal protection concerns.
The outpouring of litigation against companies like Tyson illustrates the necessity for the industry to reckon with its cruel practices, which have led to the deaths of over a hundred people and millions of farmed animals.
We discuss the importance of grounding activism in real relationships with animals, the relationship between feminism and animal liberation, cockfighting rooster rehabilitation, and her advice for advocates who find their compassion for humans waning.
The head of policy for Born Free Foundation discusses how wildlife crime harms humans, nonhuman animals, and ecosystems alike.
There are changes happening in the veganism and animal liberation movements. Mainstream veganism, which is largely food-focused and apolitical, just isn’t cutting it, and its inattention to other forms of oppression besides speciesism is a big problem.
“Statements of solidarity are certainly needed, but where change actually happens is when racial equity work becomes integrated into our movement, our workplaces, and society.”
The Trump administration has announced a proposed new rule that would harm threatened and endangered species by making it harder to protect the habitat that is critical for their survival.
By supporting imprisonment as a solution to violence against animals, we are advocating that the oppression of being imprisoned itself is not a problem, but only who is being imprisoned.