Hercules’ Story
Hercules was neglected and in very poor health before he was rescued by Iran’s Vafa Animal Shelter. At the shelter he was able to live out his days in peace, but many dogs are not so lucky.
Hercules was neglected and in very poor health before he was rescued by Iran’s Vafa Animal Shelter. At the shelter he was able to live out his days in peace, but many dogs are not so lucky.
I went to the zoo to study primates, to turn their behaviors into numbers on a chart. Instead, I found a complicated world, with five orangutans at the center of a twisted web of relationships.
We need the Florida Orca Protection Act because Kayla deserved better than what she got: a short life in a small tank. Orcas are counting on us to make sure this generation of captive orcas is the last.
When beloved and healthy dog Chloe died due to medical negligence, it became obvious that the law saw her as replaceable property, not family. The #notproperty campaign calls for animals’ legal status to match their actual status — not as property, but as thinking, feeling beings who have intrinsic value, not just economic value, and who need and deserve that recognition in the law.
Animals live awful enough lives as it is on factory farms. Can society ensure that they at least will not be burnt alive or suffocate to death before we get around to slaughtering them?
Bev Pervan, co-founder of Karoo Wildlife Centre and Campaign Against Canned Hunting, died from cancer on 30th April 2016. We remember her today because of the impact she made on animal welfare in South Africa.
Charles Wartenberg, founder of the Animal Kingdom Foundation, passed away in December 2016. He will be remembered for his tireless advocacy and transformation of animal welfare in the Philippines.
Philosopher Tom Regan, one of the intellectual founders of the modern animal rights movement, passed away on February 17th, 2017. Regan argued against the view that only human beings, and not other animals, deserve moral consideration.
In this episode, find out the latest victory against dog meat in South Korea, and why the battle is still far from over. Also discover how fur farming in Japan came to a permanent end, why wildlife rangers around the world are being murdered by poachers, and more!
Please join me now in performing this poem.
The machines roar
In the forest
On the factory farm,
On the trails,
In the skies,
In the oceans…
Wild horses.
Flowing manes
Exuberant screaming
Thundering over the plains
In an ecstasy of freedom…