Crowds and Flash Photography Make Captive Chimpanzees Anxious
This study provides further evidence that zoos cannot provide an adequate environment for those held captive within them.
This study provides further evidence that zoos cannot provide an adequate environment for those held captive within them.
Is activism old news? In the light of incredibly exciting developments in the private sector, the role of advocacy may need to be re-evaluated.
Dog racing is a deeply unethical industry that abuses, uses, exploits and kills dogs purely for profit.
A report reveals how China’s fur industry is both healthy and influential, and highlights its growing influence on the world’s fur industry.
As of January 20th, circuses performing in England will no longer be allowed to use wild animals as part of their act.
Following a tragic ship accident with over 14,000 live sheep on board, the Romanian government is taking the first appropriate actions.
Our society needs a new kind of conservation, one that dispenses with scapegoating and with trying to regulate species numbers through large-scale destruction.
The Faroese tradition of hunting pilot whales is under pressure from animal protection organizations, and locals have been recommended to reduce whale meat consumption for health reasons.
Slaughtered horses come from every industry: race horses, show horses, carriage horses, and draft horses, as well as wild mustangs and backyard pets. The slaughter pipeline is the disposing place for unwanted horses.
This shocking number of individual victims were killed over a period of 4,645 days, which equates to the death of a horse almost every other day on British racecourses.
Pubs around the United Kingdom are using live reindeer and other animals at holiday events. Using animals in this way sends a message that animals are props, rather than living beings.
Throughout history and across the world, dogs have been pets, companions, hunters, workers, protection, pests, experiments, sacred, memorialized, feared, hated, loved, and everything in between.