Monkey Exploiters Promote a Self-Serving Myth
Recent vaccine development has highlighted how science needs to shift away from outdated and inhumane animal tests and embrace human-relevant technologies.
Recent vaccine development has highlighted how science needs to shift away from outdated and inhumane animal tests and embrace human-relevant technologies.
This guide will help you and your family get prepared for when disaster strikes.
As demonstrated by the current global health crisis, wildlife consumption and use, including fur animal farming, poses a grave threat to human health, both in China and worldwide.
One of the few positive pieces of news during the COVID-19 lockdown was that many animal shelters reported being empty for the first time ever, as people decided to adopt a pet during this time. But sadly, this situation did not last long.
New report by Born Free USA reveals lack of oversight, serious animal welfare concerns, and public health risks on U.S. fur farms.
The UK’s new guidelines regarding gatherings and activities in the time of COVID-19 set restrictions for public gatherings, but contain exceptions for hunting and shooting.
The fact that the COVID-19 crisis very likely arose from the exploitation of animals has drawn greater attention to how human uses of animals can increase the risk of future pandemics.
Dr. Andrew Rowan, chief program officer for WellBeing International, discusses the connections between the wellbeing of humans, animals, and the environment.
As wildfires continue to spread across western U.S. states, impacting air quality and causing wildlife to flee to safety, veterinarians are warning people of potential dangers for pets.
The director of FOUR PAWS / VIER PFOTEN’s Disaster Relief Unit discusses the importance of accounting for animals in disaster planning and response.
The outpouring of litigation against companies like Tyson illustrates the necessity for the industry to reckon with its cruel practices, which have led to the deaths of over a hundred people and millions of farmed animals.
Dr. Jim Desmond weighs in on timely topics such as the connection between animal welfare and the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of the wildlife trade in zoonotic disease transmission, and how governments can act to prevent future pandemics.