Browsing: Books


Christians are increasingly exploring compassion towards animals as a faith issue, thanks to individuals willing to start conversations in their churches and Bible study groups.


Harrell Graham’s Dog Care Field Manual provides detailed recommendations for crisis care that almost anyone can give when the nearest veterinarian is many miles and hours away.


Going vegan isn’t something that will happen en masse or suddenly. But at least thinking about it? Acknowledging the problem? Trying to see where our own inconsistencies lie? These things are for everyone. These things are essential to set up the scaffolding for an era when we can start to repair the damage we’ve done.

Animals in Research

Learning about the torture animals endure to create medicines in laboratories was like a punch in the gut. So it’s no surprise that when I had to deal with some very dire health issues of my own, I would look for any possible alternative to utilizing a system that oppresses and kills other species.