The History of the World in Seven Dogs
Throughout history and across the world, dogs have been pets, companions, hunters, workers, protection, pests, experiments, sacred, memorialized, feared, hated, loved, and everything in between.
Throughout history and across the world, dogs have been pets, companions, hunters, workers, protection, pests, experiments, sacred, memorialized, feared, hated, loved, and everything in between.
Sheep riding, or “mutton busting,” is a rodeo event where children jump on terrified sheep, riding them around as the sheep struggle desperately to free themselves.
Over 10,000 more greyhound puppies are born in Ireland each year than the number registered to race. Thousands each year will not be of so-called racing standards, so what happens to them?
In an interview with the Executive Producer of the new film Bucking Tradition, we discuss what rodeos mean for animals and the tension between cultural autonomy and animal protection.
Despite zoos’ claims that they exist for educational value, a study found that most children who visited a zoo didn’t learn or feel empowered to help with conservation.
In an interview with Sea Shepherd’s longest-serving crew member, Peter Brown, we discuss his misgivings about the organization’s post-Whale Wars trajectory, and the value of passion as a guiding principle.
California Governor Gavin Newsom has made it illegal to sell or produce fur, hunt bobcats, use wild animals in circuses, sell the skins of exotic animals, and strengthened protections for California’s horses facing slaughter!
Despite the cruelty involved, riding overworked donkeys up steep hills is a popular activity for tourists in the Greek islands. Please travel responsibly and don’t be part of this abuse.
Race horses are the only animals in the UK who can be legally beaten in public in the course of a “sporting” event.
The overwhelming conclusion of a captive elephant conference held recently in South Africa was that no new elephants should be placed in captivity and elephants currently in captivity should be rewilded.
The lawsuit is attempting to obtain information about the zoo’s two elephants, who are held separately in solitary confinement, in defiance of every recommendation regarding the social needs of elephants.
Spanish organization ADDA reports on the work they have done for animals in their country.