The Powerful Mechanics of Undercover Investigations in Building Up a Movement
Time and again, animal rights campaigns have achieved victory by sprouting change in public opinion and policies, thanks to revelations from undercover investigations.
Time and again, animal rights campaigns have achieved victory by sprouting change in public opinion and policies, thanks to revelations from undercover investigations.
Lebanon has enacted its first animal welfare law, which prohibits abuse and neglect of animals and regulates their treatment in breeding operations, pet shops, homes, farms, slaughterhouses, laboratories, and zoos.
Michael Hansen says he supports federal funding for cultured meat, as well as national bans on fur sales and animal circuses. This would put him well to the left of some of the most compassionate senators currently in office.
Asia for Animals opposes the commercial exploitation of Asiatic black bear cubs within the animal circus at the Dam Sen Tourist Park in Ho Chi Minh City.
The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) welcomes the judgement of the Pietermaritzburg High Court that no wild or captive elephant may be exported for the purpose of keeping it in captivity in a controlled environment.
The Vancouver Parks Board has passed a total ban on the captivity of cetaceans. The amended Cetacean Bylaw will finally end cetacean suffering in the city of Vancouver, despite Aquarium business propaganda. This will help to guarantee the rights and freedoms of cetaceans worldwide!
I had cats during my childhood. Unfortunately, for the last 15 years I have lived in an apartment without cats. That is why I started to take photos of them as a reminder of my youth.
Asia for Animals calls on the government of Sri Lanka to intervene on behalf of elephants at the Dehiwala zoo, who are forced to perform in shows, housed in unclean conditions, and display chain scars and behaviors associated with stress and boredom.
Animals at Huzhou Lotus Village Park are suffering under unacceptable living conditions. Asia for Animals calls for the animals to be removed from the zoo and placed in a facility that can properly care for them.
The Big Cat Public Safety Act was recently introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives. If passed, this proposed law would put restrictions on private ownership of dangerous exotic animals nationwide.
End Circus Suffering has highlighted cruelty to animals in Indian circuses and helped rehabilitate more than 170 animals so far. Following the latest developments, letters of protest from all over the world have found their way to the Indian government.
Asia for Animals supports FIAPO’s End Circus Suffering campaign, and calls on India’s government to pass a complete ban on using animals for entertainment in circuses.