The Curious Case of the Kitty Known As Elrond
A paraplegic cat adopted from Egypt, Elrond was originally named Rania in the belief that he was a girl. Recently I have come to wonder if Elrond might not be female in some sense after all.
A paraplegic cat adopted from Egypt, Elrond was originally named Rania in the belief that he was a girl. Recently I have come to wonder if Elrond might not be female in some sense after all.
In H.G. Wells and Animals, A Troubling Legacy, I struggled to reconcile the seemingly pro-animal themes of Wells’ famous stories with his own defense of vivisection later in life. In Wells’ 1928 essay Popular Feeling and the Advancement of Science. Anti-Vivisection, transcribed here, he details his own personal views on vivisection.
H.G. Wells’ 1896 novel The Island of Doctor Moreau is remembered as a powerful attack on vivisection, yet he himself would come to defend the practice later in life. How can we resolve the paradox between the strong pro-animal themes of Wells’ famous stories, and his own callousness toward animals harmed in the name of science?
Animal People executive director Wolf Clifton recently traveled Indonesia visiting animal projects, prior to the Asia for Animals 2015 conference in Kuching, Malaysia. Highlights in this entry include: animals of myth in ancient temples, and late-night activism with Yogyakarta’s craziest cat ladies!
Whatever you think of Starbucks’ “red cup controversy,” there’s a much more serious reason to boycott the company: for its role in palm oil deforestation and the deaths of countless millions of wild animals in Indonesia.
Animal People executive director Wolf Clifton recently traveled Indonesia visiting animal projects, prior to the Asia for Animals 2015 conference in Kuching, Malaysia. Highlights in this entry include: humane education through punk rock and puppetry, the battle to end dog eating in Indonesia, and the best vegan food in Yogyakarta!
A memorial tribute to an incredible little dog from Thailand, who survived history’s deadliest tsunami, crossed the Pacific, and defended her new human family from demons and swordsmen.
New evidence suggests that human civilization predated rainforest in the Amazon, and may even have played a role in creating it. What does this mean for conservation efforts in the Amazon today?
Animal People executive director Wolf Clifton recently traveled Indonesia visiting animal projects, prior to the Asia for Animals 2015 conference in Kuching, Malaysia. Highlights in this entry include: rescued wildlife, the absence of wilderness, dilemmas of predator and prey, and poisonous red-eyed primates!
Indonesia presently faces an epidemic of wild animals being captured and sold on the black market. This photo gallery exposes the suffering of captive animals in the Jatinegara and Pasty markets of Jakarta and Yogyakarta, as seen September 2015.
What can the “Vegan Police” from the film Scott Pilgrim vs. the World teach activists about effective vegan advocacy?
Animal People executive director Wolf Clifton is currently visiting animal projects in Indonesia, prior to the Asia for Animals 2015 conference in Kuching, Malaysia. Highlights in this entry include: street dogs betrayed in Bali, birds of prey and giant monitor lizards, and an all-vegan Indonesian feast!