Imagining a Vegan Superman
What would it look like if the superhero’s sense of justice and compassion extended to non-humans too?
What would it look like if the superhero’s sense of justice and compassion extended to non-humans too?
Michael Hansen says he supports federal funding for cultured meat, as well as national bans on fur sales and animal circuses. This would put him well to the left of some of the most compassionate senators currently in office.
Neither Jon Ossof, Archie Parnell, nor their Republican opponents seem to have addressed animal welfare in any meaningful way. But that shouldn’t stop animal activists from recruiting more compassionate prospects to challenge the winner in 2018.
Across the United States there are elections with important animal issues at stake, including in California’s 34th congressional district and New Jersey’s gubernatorial primary.
Of course, in the near future, it isn’t remotely likely leading presidential candidates will take an abolitionist position on animal exploitation. But we can’t even get welfarism, for which I imagine there is a wide base of support, on the agenda…
“Most leftists, I believe, don’t have a problem with such comparisons. It’s only when human suffering is compared to animal suffering that these analogies become truly objectionable…”
We learn the rationales for non-human exploitation in drips and drops. This education — or more accurately, miseducation —probably takes place throughout our lifespan, with different answers formulated to meet our ideological needs at different times and places.