Coexisting with Cougars: An Interview with Mark Elbroch
These enigmatic big cats are typically viewed as a threat, both to humans and farmed animals. But are they actually? And can we learn to live together in harmony with them?
These enigmatic big cats are typically viewed as a threat, both to humans and farmed animals. But are they actually? And can we learn to live together in harmony with them?
Experts have called for a moratorium on whale watching in the Pacific Northwest to protect the highly-endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales, but the whale watching industry persists. Why, and why is this such an important issue?
What would it mean to decolonize veganism as a way of eating, political commitment, and social movement? This interview with Mi’kmaw scholar Dr. Margaret Robinson is an effort to explore that question.
Dr. Andrew Rowan, chief program officer for WellBeing International, discusses the connections between the wellbeing of humans, animals, and the environment.
The director of legal affairs and advocacy for Africa Network for Animal Welfare discusses the most pressing issues affecting animals across Africa and the receptiveness of African political leaders to animal protection concerns.
The director of FOUR PAWS / VIER PFOTEN’s Disaster Relief Unit discusses the importance of accounting for animals in disaster planning and response.
The Chief Policy Advisor for Compassion in World Farming discusses the impact of factory farming on both animal welfare and human health and well-being.
The co-founders of WildlifeSOS discuss combating wildlife crime through community development.
Dr. Chris Walzer, Executive Director of Health for Wildlife Conservation Society, discusses the relationship between the wildlife trade and the transmission of zoonotic diseases, including COVID-19.
Dr. Sandhya Sriram discusses the advantages of cultivated or cell-based meat, whether it can be considered vegan, and whether it is likely to succeed on an industrial scale.
In a conversation with Dr. Gillespie, we discussed her book, why she says that animal liberation isn’t possible within a capitalist system and veganism is not just a diet, and her thoughts on the relationship between academic work and activism.
Dr. Nick Jukes discusses the drawbacks to animal use in science and education, promising developments in non-animal alternatives, and the potential effects of the race for a COVID-19 vaccine on animal use in science.