Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants in 2020 Announced
Tragically, some zoos continue to hold elephants in social isolation, dominate them through pain and fear using cruel bullhooks, and keep elephants locked in barns over long, dark and cold winters.
Tragically, some zoos continue to hold elephants in social isolation, dominate them through pain and fear using cruel bullhooks, and keep elephants locked in barns over long, dark and cold winters.
Four important lessons animal advocates can learn from radical organization the Black Panthers.
Assuming we want to help animals, we need to open hearts and minds, and judgments tend to do the opposite. So how do we avoid being judgmental?
In defiance of a global moratorium on commercial whaling, Norway has again issued an annual kill quota of 1,278 minke whales for the 2021 whaling season.
The zoo insists the pandas are healthy, but a group of panda enthusiasts aren’t buying it, and they’ve compiled their alarming evidence here.
In an interview with Dulce Ramirez, we discuss her path from rescuing one kitten to Executive Director of a major organization and the state of the animal protection movement in Mexico.
A new study demonstrates that legalized trade and commercial breeding of wild animals stimulates demand, encourages poachers and smugglers and ultimately pushes species towards extinction in the wild.
The Canadian government is planning to establish an industrial dairy goat farm at the Joyceville federal penitentiary in Kingston, Ontario.
The cruel practices revealed in the footage stand in stark contrast to Costco’s claim that “animal welfare is a critical component” of their chicken supply chain.
HB2676 would make it a misdemeanor to sell, offer for sale, display for sale, or otherwise distribute a new fur product in the state of Oregon.
“Nobody has shone the spotlight on the industry, its power or the slaughter that it is responsible for before. This is what I am seeking to do.”
This legislation would require that data collected by the federal government from state child protection agencies include information about animal abuse as a risk factor for child abuse.