Video: Accounting for Animals in Disaster Response and Planning


In July 2020, Animal People attended the annual United Nations High Level Political Forum as a member of the Animal Issues Thematic Cluster. As part of this event, Animal People Executive Director Wolf Gordon Clifton conducted a series of interviews with experts on various aspects of animal protection and sustainability. We will be releasing recordings of those interviews here on Animal People Forum.

In the video below, Wolf Gordon Clifton interviews Dr. Jackson T. Zee, director of FOUR PAWS / VIER PFOTEN’s Disaster Relief Unit. They discuss the importance of accounting for animals in disaster planning and response, how animals affect the resiliency of communities, and how we can better prepare to protect the welfare of animals and people as disasters become more common due to climate change.

Featured image: people and their dog in the aftermath of flooding in Charleston, South Carolina, caused by Hurricane Joaquin. Image credit Ryan Johnson, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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About Author

Dylan has been joyously aware of the multispecies nature of the world around him since childhood, and today considers this attention towards nonhuman others to be an integral component of his intellectual, political, and emotional life. Dylan had the pleasure of being a part of the Animal People team from 2015-2021. Click to see author's profile.

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