Is the King of Beasts Headed Towards Extinction?
Are we headed towards a world without lions in the wild? In an interview with author Sara Evans, we discuss the threats lions face and why we should have hope that these big cats will persist.
Are we headed towards a world without lions in the wild? In an interview with author Sara Evans, we discuss the threats lions face and why we should have hope that these big cats will persist.
One woman and her dog are walking 4,000 kilometers across Australia in order to raise funds and awareness for abused and overworked working animals all over the world.
The United States federal government can accomplish incredible things when it chooses. With investment in cultured meat research, we could do amazing things for human health, the environment and animal welfare.
In an interview with the co-founder of the Microsanctuary Resource Center, we discussed the concept of a microsanctuary and the role caring for individual animals plays in the overall animal liberation movement.
Capturing and confining dolphins and orcas in restrictive concrete pools is killing them—physically and psychologically. Don’t support captive animal entertainment.
A Catholic animal advocate grapples with what she calls “the Church’s indifference to the suffering of animals,” and calls for change.
A vegan and animal advocate uses his experience with recently moving to the countryside to work through the difficult subject of wild animal welfare and how humans can best live among wild animals.
The “big five” wildlife species were chosen by trophy hunters based on the species most difficult to kill. The New Big 5 will be based on the animals most popular to photograph, and advocates for compassion and conservation.
Pre-emptive action is needed now to halt the spread of the coronavirus and stop the next pandemic. Shut down slaughterhouses and factory farms!
The sensationalism obscured what the main focus of the series should have been: that the abuse of privately-owned big cats is a serious problem, and that legislation must be put in place to fix it.
In the United States, wild bears are being killed for their gallbladders due to the global bear bile trade.