How Smart is Your Dog?
Dogs are usually considered intelligent when they are easy to train and prone to follow commands, but “trainability” is not the only measure of intelligence.
Dogs are usually considered intelligent when they are easy to train and prone to follow commands, but “trainability” is not the only measure of intelligence.
More than 100 million animals are used in research and product testing in the United States every year. These millions of animals experience great physical and mental suffering, and there are few laws that protect them.
36% of vegetarians are completely unaware that animal products are used by the makeup industry.
Three species of pangolins have moved into a higher category of threat due to the growing impacts of habitat loss, poaching and illegal trade.
A new study shows that global conservation action has reduced the effective extinction rate of birds by an astonishing 40%.
Australia’s bushfire crisis is a reminder that climate change is real and our levels of production and consumption are the cause.
Following a tragic ship accident with over 14,000 live sheep on board, the Romanian government is taking the first appropriate actions.
Our society needs a new kind of conservation, one that dispenses with scapegoating and with trying to regulate species numbers through large-scale destruction.
The Faroese tradition of hunting pilot whales is under pressure from animal protection organizations, and locals have been recommended to reduce whale meat consumption for health reasons.
Animal welfare and environmental protection organizations often overlook how the food served at their events and fundraisers may conflict with their missions.
A group of wild horses made famous on social media by local advocates have been trapped by the BLM, who plan to auction them off and split up their families.
Slaughtered horses come from every industry: race horses, show horses, carriage horses, and draft horses, as well as wild mustangs and backyard pets. The slaughter pipeline is the disposing place for unwanted horses.