Donkeys Used as Taxis for Tourists in the Greek Islands
Despite the cruelty involved, riding overworked donkeys up steep hills is a popular activity for tourists in the Greek islands. Please travel responsibly and don’t be part of this abuse.
Despite the cruelty involved, riding overworked donkeys up steep hills is a popular activity for tourists in the Greek islands. Please travel responsibly and don’t be part of this abuse.
The bill would end taxpayer-funded cruel experiments on dogs, including those at Wayne State University. A link included here helps Michigan residents contact their representatives.
A recent letter published in the journal Science argues that banning trophy hunting imperils biodiversity, which simply doesn’t stack up.
Duck and goose down may seem like a relatively innocuous product to some, but the truth is the industry is extremely brutal to the birds and deceptive to consumers.
Last week Governor Newsom signed into law the bill, which authorizes California to protect migratory birds, including their nests and eggs.
Sorrow and anguish filled a South African harbor as inspectors were unable to put a stop to the loading and departure of a horribly inhumane live export ship full of sheep.
the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service has issued a rule allowing pig slaughterhouses nationwide to police themselves and kill pigs at very high line speeds.
There is no way to avoid the conclusion that dealing with climate change requires massive reforestation, and therefore considerable restrictions on — if not the elimination of — livestock agriculture.
In Romania, increased human-bear conflict due to habitat loss has inspired a new bill, declaring unrestricted open season on killing bears.
In an interview with author and undercover animal investigator Pete Paxton, we explore why it’s so important for all dogs that people “Adopt, Don’t Shop.”
What humans do need to do is to grasp the concept that life on Earth is interconnected, and that to mess with one part of it is to mess with it all.
Race horses are the only animals in the UK who can be legally beaten in public in the course of a “sporting” event.