New York City Bans Foie Gras!
Intro. 1378, which forbids selling foie gras from tortured ducks and geese in New York City, was passed yesterday.
Intro. 1378, which forbids selling foie gras from tortured ducks and geese in New York City, was passed yesterday.
View the powerful winning submissions of the 2019 Vegan Photo Essay Contest here.
In Foer’s new book, he discusses both that livestock are one of the main drivers of climate change and that he struggles to maintain a vegan diet. How do we understand and address this gap between knowing something and acting on it?
With Halloween around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about what to do to keep pets and wildlife safe.
A trainer and dog advocate shares her thoughts on what dogs really need from us, and how adopter education could transform the adoption process and keep more dogs in their homes for good.
In an interview with the founder of The Gentle Barn animal sanctuary, we discuss what she’s learned over the past 20 years, the role of sanctuaries in the animal protection movement and what surprises visitors most about meeting turkeys.
In Malaysia, destruction of habitat drives elephants onto plantations and into villages, where they are perceived as pests and crop thieves and killed.
Despite zoos’ claims that they exist for educational value, a study found that most children who visited a zoo didn’t learn or feel empowered to help with conservation.
Using ag-gag laws, farmers and legislators seek to silence whistleblowers and undercover investigative reporters who try to expose the truth to the public about animal agriculture.
Greece’s Minister of Development and Industry recently made alarming statements endorsing fur production and incorrectly characterizing fur as more environmentally friendly than alternatives. Greek activists are speaking out in response.
In an interview with Sea Shepherd’s longest-serving crew member, Peter Brown, we discuss his misgivings about the organization’s post-Whale Wars trajectory, and the value of passion as a guiding principle.
California Governor Gavin Newsom has made it illegal to sell or produce fur, hunt bobcats, use wild animals in circuses, sell the skins of exotic animals, and strengthened protections for California’s horses facing slaughter!