In Search of Explanations and the Truth
In the search to explain the world around us, sometimes our observations lead us to the wrong conclusions. That seems to be the case with a famous Russian experiment on domesticating foxes.
In the search to explain the world around us, sometimes our observations lead us to the wrong conclusions. That seems to be the case with a famous Russian experiment on domesticating foxes.
In North America, Australia and New Zealand, suspicion and outright hostility continue to plague the debate over what to do about outdoor stray and feral cats.
The first World Swift Day was celebrated in 39 countries with a wide variety of activities in order to spread knowledge about these fascinating birds and encourage their protection.
The import ban places enormous pressure on the Mexican government to stop the use of deadly gillnets that are entangling, drowning, and killing the vaquita porpoise, whose population has likely dwindled to just 10 remaining animals.
Only 1.4% of vegans surveyed said it was “public activism” that first made them think about making the switch. Documentaries and conversations with family were the big hitters.
What’s missing when “animal lovers” go to zoos, swim with captive dolphins, or support other animal-exploiting attractions and industries? Empathy, respect, and awareness.
As part of research partly funded by the UK’s Ministry of Defence, rats were shot in the eyes and then killed, all without any form of pain relief.
Milk comes from a grieving mother, and is the product of the exploitation of the reproductive capacity of a female body.
186 horses died in England in 2019 as a direct result of racing. This alarming figure shows no sign of improvement in comparison to the fatality records over recent years.
The U.S. federal government continues to treat pigs as industrial commodities to be produced as cheaply as possible, without regard for animal welfare or consumer safety.
China’s recent ban on wildlife consumption will hopefully stop the flow of lion bones from South Africa, which may be contaminated with tuberculosis and tranquilizers.
This study provides further evidence that zoos cannot provide an adequate environment for those held captive within them.