Farm Animal Well-being: A Brief Update
Beginning in the 1980s, farm animal well-being slowly took over as the major focus of animal advocacy organizations. How has this affected conditions for farm animals in different countries?
Beginning in the 1980s, farm animal well-being slowly took over as the major focus of animal advocacy organizations. How has this affected conditions for farm animals in different countries?
As demand for octopus for consumption grows, efforts to farm these animals intensify, with terrible ethical and environmental consequences.
Slaughtered horses come from every industry: race horses, show horses, carriage horses, and draft horses, as well as wild mustangs and backyard pets. The slaughter pipeline is the disposing place for unwanted horses.
An ongoing and well-funded project at Italy’s University of Turin is putting macaque monkeys through extreme suffering, with no proven benefit to human health. Organizations are calling for the use of human-based research techniques instead.
It’s time to end cage farming in Europe. This new initiative is fighting for an EU-wide ban on farrowing crates for mother sows, single-calf hutches and cages for egg-laying hens, farmed rabbits and other animals.
These semiaquatic rodents can reproduce rapidly and cause environmental degradation in habitats where they lack predators, but that doesn’t mean they deserve to be killed. A program in Italy has had great success with surgically sterilizing and releasing them.
European honey-buzzards are fearless in the face of stinging wasps and hornets, but they have no defense against illegal shooting for sport. In Italy, “anti-poaching camps” sparked an extremely successful movement which has saved thousands of honey-buzzards.
Thanks to an amazing public response, The Donkey Sanctuary in Italy has successfully found urgent homes for most of the 48 donkeys they seized from a “hell” farm.
Every year, millions of migratory birds are unlawfully killed as they embark on their epic journeys between their homes in Europe and Africa. In response, BirdLife International has launched Flight for Survival, a campaign raising awareness of this issue globally, with a focus on seven illegally killed bird species.
Despite the critical roles they have played in human history, donkeys are often the butt of jokes and garner little respect. Yet donkeys are in fact highly brilliant animals and enjoy a respectable position in ancient mythology.